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The "Pappy"

This is kind of like Mark Lowry's quote of "I was in the kitchen first" from his "Mamma had enough" skit. I was here first, so I lay claim to the handle "Pappy." Yes, it is what my grandchildren call me. If you are called by the same moniker by your rugrats, then you are just gonna have to retrain them with "Pawpaw" or some other popular slang for grandpa. Sorry, but this one is taken...and taken at AGT and SAGT as well (Abilene & San Angelo). After all, I was here first. By the way, if you like hilarious clean humor, here is the url for that Mark Lowry skit on youtube: https://youtu.be/oWNhi9B5k2E (The video is dated, so the quality isn't the best, but the humor is full HD)
    Ok, now that we've settled what you shall call me and not call yourself , we can move on to introductions. I retarded from the Air Force after just over 25 years (1 January 2015 was my first day back as a real people). I am a free thinker who enjoys his weaponry as much as any other real Texan. Speaking of which, I am a transplant. I got here as quick as I could once I was aware Texas existed. I was born overseas (military brat). I enjoy my 3 cups of coffee every morning, unless I don't get up that early...cold, wet weather may delay my rise. Thus, I have my coffee when I rise. Then, I think about work...and sometimes I do it...depending on the weather and whether...whether my family chaos will intervene today or not...or I may simply choose to be lazy any particular day...if my wife is okay with it. She usually plays along with the work, the chaos, and the goofing off. Work happens to be my almost-a-house on 13 acres. She clears land and I do the construction. Yes, I want my own gun range too (Trey Gibson!).
    As I said, I am a free thinker, so I am for individual freedom. I am all for responsibly armed citizens having control of their own training with, buying of, trading of & selling of firearms. Whether you are an avid hunter, sport shooter, gun collector, gun enthusiast, instuctor, prepper, survivalist or you are simply concerned about the defense and safety of you and your loved ones, we are all here because we want the responsibility and freedom to make our own decisions with firearms.
  That's enough yammering from me for now. It's your turn. Who are you (not Pappy of course!)?